Kindle Deal – Lilah’s Guide to Hoyle On Sale 6/12 — 6/18

Hey folks.

I just wanted to drop a line while I am digressing from some writing to say that Lilah’s Guide to Hoyle will be on sale for $0.99 6/12, and will then be $1.99 on 6/15. Finally, the price will return to 6/18.

If there’s ever been a time to get your Kindle copy, it’s coming up. Unless you’re already a Kindle Unlimited member, then you can already get it for free, you lucky dog. If you’re not a KU member, click this link to get started!

*Affiliate links are used.

1 June 12, 2020 at 8:00 AM (PDT)80h$0.9967%
2 June 15, 2020 at 4:00 PM (PDT)80h$1.9934%
End June 19, 2020 at 12:00 AM (PDT)Original list price $2.99
If you’re more of a visual person, here’s a table to break it down for you.

I invite you to partake of the sale and give my thanks to those that do. If Lilah’s not your cup of tea, I invite you to check out:

The Lodestone Files: The Things in the Shadows

The Lodestone Files: The Cat, The Mouse, and The Thing From Another World

The Chronicles of Bob: The Chronic Suicidal

In the meantime, Lynaly’s Requiem is coming along well…as is the next title. After all, you can’t have Act II without I and IV. 😉

Until next time,


Two Weeks of Free Ebooks (Check Inside)

Hey folks.

Do you like free-ninety-nine (aka free-99)? Check out the deal below!

The Lodestone Files Book 2

So, next week on September 18, 2018 (9/18 – 9/22), The Lodestone Files: The Cat, The Mouse, and The Thing From Another World will be free on Kindle.



On September 25, 2018 (9/25 – 9/29), The Chronicles of Bob: The Chronic Suicidal will be free also on Kindle.

If you’ve been wanting to read these titles but haven’t had the time or urge to; how about now? 😉

I hope you enjoy them!

Until next time,


Free Kindle Book Two of The Lodestone Files — Get It 5/14 — 5/18

Hey folks.

Dropping a hot note real quick before I rest my heavy head on my pillow, to remind you of the great dealio of nabbing The Lodestone Files: The Cat, The Mouse, and The Thing From Another World for free starting Monday, May 14, 2018. If you have Kindle Unlimited already, well, you can already get the book for free. If you don’t, however, then this would be the best time to mosey on over and grab that little electronic diode of literary saucebot and save, save, save!

Here’s a photo of it in case you need it in a lineup.

The Lodestone Files Book 2

Description: What would you do?

Life had been rather normal up until that miserable night. Idris and Cal are on the run from the government, and an alien. After witnessing their small town, Lodestone, get wiped out, and the loss of their family, the boys need to keep moving with no time to grieve. With the help of a strange drunkard named Mac, they may just live.

Hot on their trail is the secret government agent, Murdoch, who is tasked with making sure that are no survivors or evidence could otherwise jeopardize the very confidential agreement between two worlds.

Elsewhere, the alien that has taken on the form of James has begun to carry out his plans for Earth and humankind’s extinction. Earth, as it seems, is in due for overwhelming destruction with no hope for humanity’s survival in this elaborate game of cat and mouse.

So, what would you do?

Nice, nice, yeah that’s pretty. Space. Lots of space.

The Re-Release of Lilah’s Guide to Hoyle and The Future

Right, in other news, I know I have been lax in getting out all the new material and keeping in line with my timeline of “Things to Come.” Life happens. Sometimes you want to recoup from being accustomed to going to “Church” every day for a little over a week, and you’re left wondering, “what in the hell did I eat?” Just to find out you took the wrong vitamin and you feel pretty dumb. It happens. Well, things will be rolling and adequately done soon enough. It’s not like I have an insurmountable amount of time…OK, I do—kind of—but balancing six or so plates and such makes things a bit hard. So, I am going at a different pace and not making myself hate what I love to do the most (next to gaming, slaying people with Bill and the gang, etc.). That would be writing…if you weren’t sure.

TIP: Be sure to use PREORDER2018 to get 10% off your order when you preorder Lilah’s Guide to Hoyle (in paperback). Grab it. Love it. Caress it. Marry it? Just be wary of papercuts.

Deluxe cover for "Lilah's Guide to Hoyle."


“All life is a gamble. . . We go to sleep every night comfortably betting that the next day we’ll wake up.”

Demons. Sorcery. Magical playing cards.

It’s anything but a fairy tale. Armed with her choice deck, her beloved book, Hoyle’s Guide to Poker and Parlor Tricks, and the skill that led her to throw away her college fund gambles with her life—and with the lives of those around her.

Elsewhere, other players have a different idea of the rules of the game. And investigating the bizarre chain of events is Middleton PD’s finest, Detectives Dana Deupree and Walter Conway.

It’s anyone’s game. The cards have been shuffled, and the stakes are high. The call has gone around the table. Others may fold, but not Lilah.

She plays for keeps.

Right, so while all that is happening and such, I also wanted to remind you lovelies of the return of a classic—well, my classic (along with Al’s)— Lilah’s Guide to Hoyle. I will be posting another (and final) excerpt which will be different than the older posts I once shared. I do look forward to getting the rest of the books out, but having another publisher pick it up and all that, well, it kind of snagged my production of getting those titles out. Soon, though, right?! Yes, yes, my precious… June 21, 2018, to be exact.

Suggestions? Bob Has One!

If you haven’t yet, and are in a rut and looking for something on the dark side (and still…humorous) to read, might I suggest The Chronicles of Bob: The Chronic Suicidal. It’s free via Kindle Unlimited, and also available in paperback and hardcover—if you’re feeling frisky. It’s got it all, except a kitchen sink and a bag of chips. That costs extra.



Hey, folks. My name is Bob Barnem, and I’m a chronic suicidal.

Do you ever get that itch? And I’m not talking about something that can be treated with a cream or powder.

You don’t follow? All right, say you’re driving down the highway. Have you ever just had a sudden urge to jump out of the car? Or maybe play intimately with traffic? In short, have you ever felt a desire for the thrill of suicide without the consequence of death?

This is a tale about my various ways of suicide…and encountering a bizarre knife, some phantom creatures, and being a hero—sometimes.

Things are about to get really exciting for both of us.

Some itches just need to be scratched.

Mmm, yeah, that’s the stuff. Trust me, it’s a fun read. I enjoyed writing it as much as I did suffering years of waging a self-mental war (and still do).

So, stick around, and stay tuned. There will be more goods to browse and wares to haggle over in the coming months.

Until next time,


Free Kindle Book 5/14/18 — The Lodestone Files: The Cat, The Mouse, and The Thing From Another World

Hey folks.

The Lodestone Files Book 2

I just wanted to let you all know that next week (5/14 — 5/18) you can snag book two of The Lodestone Files series for free; even if you don’t have Kindle Unlimited. So, if you don’t have KU and are strapped for cash and want to venture down highway free-99, this would be the time to do it.

Deluxe cover for "Lilah's Guide to Hoyle."

Also, next month (6/21) marks the release of Lilah’s Guide to Hoyle. You can use the coupon code PREORDER2018 for 10% off your purchase. This release will be only available in paperback and as an ebook. If you already have your copies from when the title was originally released, congrats! However, a bit of change and such are found in this newer copy. You may want to pick it up or ask for it as a gift. 😉

(There were a limited number of hardcover copies printed and signed. As of now, there are no plans to re-release new hardcovers.) 

Wishing you all a fantastic week, until next time.


P.S. If you haven’t already or didn’t know… You can get book one of The Lodestone Files for free. Book three will be coming out this Summer. 😉

P.P.S. The site will be moving… soon™. Meaning everything will be under A.B.Normal Publishing and Media Group vs. two separate addresses. You’ll see. 😉

What’s New?

Hey, folks.

RJM here, dropping a quick line about some new stuff coming up.

Paperback copies of the following titles will be soon available on Amazon:

  • The Lodestone Files: The Things in the Shadows
  • The Lodestone Files: The Cat, The Mouse, and The Thing From Another World
  • Abnormal Side Effects

Pre-orders for The Chronicles of Bob: The Chronic Suicidal will open up soon. It will have a placeholder image/cover, for now, since it is being redone.

There will be digital and paperback copies available. However, hardcover copies will be extremely limited to 13. These will be signed, numbered, and include an extra snippet following the story.

There will also be a new anthology dubbed Abnormal Side Effects: Refill. This collection will have everything that the first did not. There will be a compiled version where the two are one and via box set.

More projects are underway, and there are also plans to cover BlizzCon 2017. Since it will be a first-time experience, it’ll be documented and reported on. It’s something I am excited to share.

But really… Vacation! Everyone needs some R & R. It’s recommended. If I were a doctor, I’d prescribe it with a severe amount of refills…and probably be out of practice rather quickly.

That’s all for now. I’ll be sharing some other goodies soon enough.

Until next time,


What’s Coming and What’s Up

Hey, folks.

It’s been a little while, hasn’t it? When life happens, you learn to adapt. There’s a lot going but it’s all for the greater good.

So, what’s to share?

We’re wrapping up production on The Chronicles of Bob: The Chronic Suicidal.

Meanwhile, the multipart conclusion of Johnny Nightwalker will be coming up this evening.

Part three of The Lodestone Files is being worked on, along with many other projects.

You can also check out books one and two of the series in the shop.

So, as for the delay in things…

It’s also a good idea to take a break, look over things, then get back at it, because let’s face it; nothing ever gets done on its own.

Keep at what you do and make sure YOU love what you do. Especially, when it comes to writing. I know and am aware not many folks give a damn what I do or write, but that’s OK. I write for me. An audience of one, is better than an audience of none.

I’ll bee posting intermittently over the next few years as well. There are certain things in motion that need to happen. I’ll still be writing… just not posting as much (not like I do, right? Life. In all its wondrous glory!).

Do stick around for more things to come. I wish you all well and to stay safe.

Until next time,


We’re Taking it on the Run…This Thursday With the Release of Book Two.

August 31, 2017, marks the release of The Lodestone Files: The Cat, The Mouse, and The Thing From Another World.

This title offers more backstory on Mac, as well as exactly how the contact between the alien homeworld and Earth was established. Also, we see how the newly reformed “James” begins his pursuit of the boys and Murdoch.

The exciting game of cat and mouse starts hard and fast with book two. After that, you may wonder, when will book three come out? What about compiling them? A lot of “whats” that you may ask…and I’ll gladly answer.

While book one is free, book two will not be. Unfortunately, the price set on Amazon is $0.99; it’s a fixed price that cannot be changed. However, I will be offering the title here on A.B.Normal Publishing and Media Group at a discounted price of $0.35. That’s the cost of a candy bar or pack of gum. Not too much, is it?

Book three could come out possibly this Winter…however, it’ll surely be out Spring of 2018. And then the last book will be later 2018; including the bonus short story from another family’s PoV. They will be compiled and placed in a collection as soon as they’re all released.

The Lodestone Files: The Cat, The mouse, and The Thing From Another World can be pre-ordered now on Amazon. It’ll be live for sale on A.B.Normal Publishing and Media Group Thursday as well.

Until next time,


Pre-Order for Book Two of The Lodestone Files is Now Available!

Hey folks,

The pre-order for book two of The Lodestone Files: The Cat, The Mouse, and The Thing From Another World is now available.

The Lodestone Files: The Cat, The Mouse, and The Thing From Another World Title Cover

“It’s going to be a long road for us…”

This story picks up immediately after the end of The Lodestone Files: The Things in the Shadows. Book two marks a great setup for the following events and provides some more backstory on a few of our characters and overall backdrop. Book three is in the final stages as is book four, which is where we will conclude this short series.

After book four ends, there will be a reissue of all the books as one. For those that do purchase copies (either directly or via elsewhere; with proof of purchase) I will offer discounted copies either by print or digital.

In addition to the conclusion, there will be a bonus chapter/side story about another family caught during a particular event. That story will be included in the fourth book and reissue as my thanks to you (and it will not be added to the “MSRP” to jack up the price.

I will also be selling digital copies of all titles here as well. I’m just fine tuning and making sure there are no bugs. They will be at a discounted rate if you purchase directly from A.B.Normal Publishing and Media Group.

All in all, I hope to heighten your reading experience, and if you so need it, publishing experience as well. We are looking to expand to take on a few clients and maintain a small press for now, but eventually, we’d like to be a medium or large press (and beyond).

I wish you all well this evening and rest of the week.

Until next time,